2nd Thursday of each month at 1:30 PM.
Free, open to all.
At a Death Cafe people eat, drink and discuss that often taboo subject: Death. The idea is to create a safe, confidential and respectful environment to talk about dying.
Death Cafe is NOT a bereavement or support group, or an opportunity to sell services. Rather, it is a directed but open discussion whose objective is “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.”
Recent research suggests that thinking about death raises people’s sense of self-worth, helps them be less money oriented, and makes them funnier. Facing death seems to enhance our sense of humor and encourage us to be more creative and open-minded.
Death Cafe is an international, non-profit organization founded by Jon Underwood in Britain. He based the forum on the ideas of the Swiss sociologist Bernard Crettaz, who had founded a similar forum called Cafe Mortels. Lizzy Miles was the first person to offer Death Cafe in the United States in Columbus, Ohio. (See https://deathcafe.com/what/ for more information about the program
The whole Teton Valley community is invited. However, please call us to discuss if you want to bring a child along to participate in the conversation.