Monday, Jan. 6 & 27, 1:30-4 PM
Discuss bidding, declarer play or defense strategy, and play a game. Prerequisites: a basic understanding of bidding, hand play and common strategies in Bridge.
Monday, Jan. 6 & 27, 1:30-4 PM
Discuss bidding, declarer play or defense strategy, and play a game. Prerequisites: a basic understanding of bidding, hand play and common strategies in Bridge.
Monday, Jan 13, 1 PM. $5.
Register at
Friday, January 31, 5 PM. $8.
Monday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m.
Please register. Limited to 8. You must have a Costco card for entry.
Thursday, Jan. 30, 5 PM.
Medicare and You: Deductibles and Coinsurance
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 11 AM.
Friday, Jan. 17. Van leaves at 10:30 AM. Please register below. $10.
We plan on starting with lunch around 11:30 AM. Our guided museum tour will begin at 1:00 PM. You can bring your own lunch or dine at the in-house restaurant, Palate. Here is its lunch menu. We will leave the museum around 2:15 PM.
Please register and pre-pay on the form below: