Category Archives: Activities

Death Cafe

2nd Thursday of each month at 1:30 PM.
Free, open to all.

At a Death Cafe people eat, drink and discuss that often taboo subject: Death. The idea is to create a safe, confidential and respectful environment to talk about dying.

Death Cafe is NOT a bereavement or support group, or an opportunity to sell services. Rather, it is a directed but open discussion whose objective is “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.”

Recent research suggests that thinking about death raises people’s sense of self-worth, helps them be less money oriented, and makes them funnier. Facing death seems to enhance our sense of humor and encourage us to be more creative and open-minded.

Death Cafe is an international, non-profit organization founded by Jon Underwood in Britain. He based the forum on the ideas of the Swiss sociologist Bernard Crettaz, who had founded a similar forum called Cafe Mortels. Lizzy Miles was the first person to offer Death Cafe in the United States in Columbus, Ohio. (See for more information about the program

The whole Teton Valley community is invited. However, please call us to discuss if you want to bring a child along to participate in the conversation.

Blood Pressure Checks

2nd Wednesday of each month, 11:45 AM to 12:30 PM
Free. Open to all.

EMTs from Teton County Fire & Rescue will visit the Senior Community Center the second Wednesday of each month to do blood pressure checks and distribute information about the File of Life program.

Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare Open Enrollment, Oct. 15 – Dec. 7

Open Consultations with a Shiba Counselor, Thursdays, 1-3 p.m. in the Senior Community Center. Appointments preferred (see form below)

What you can do during Open Enrollment
Thursday, Oct. 10, 1 p.m.

This demonstration forum will show you how you can use the Medicare Plan Finder to review your current plans to see if there will be changes in costs and coverage in 2025 AND you can compare your plans to other plans available in Teton County to see if there’s something else that fits your needs and budget better.

What is the Medicare Open Enrollment Period?

Medicare health and drug plans can make changes each year–things like cost, coverage, and what providers and pharmacies are in their networks. October 15 to December 7 is when all people with Medicare can change their Medicare health plans and prescription drug coverage for the following year to better meet their needs.

Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage: Plans change their formularies and in-network pharmacies each year. The plan you were on in 2024 may no longer cover a drug you have been taking or may place it in a higher cost category. Also, plans negotiate with pharmacies each year. You may find that your preferred pharmacy is no longer in network. Finally, plans change their premiums and deductibles each year.

For all these reasons, it’s a good idea to review your Part D coverage with a SHIBA counselor. We can compare your current coverage to other plan options and find the best fit for you. We use the Plan Finder utility found at If we find a better plan, we can help you enroll in it.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap): Medicare generally covers 80% of your hospital and health provider’s fees. Medigap policies are designed to cover all or part of the remaining 20%. As with prescription drug coverage, we can use the Plan Finder to review your current Medigap coverage and help you determine if you should switch to a different plan. However, in Idaho changes in Medigap plans are governed by the “Birthday Rule,” which allows you to make certain changes in the 63 days following your birthday.

Medicare Advantage Plans: Medicare Advantage Plans consolidate all your Medicare plans (Medicare Part A & B, medigap supplement, and Part D prescription drugs) into one plan offered by a private company. These plans have not been available in Teton County, Idaho, but several may become available for 2025. Information on these will become available on Oct. 1, 2024.

New to Medicare: If you are about to turn 65, we can help you get started with your coverage.



SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) is a program of the Idaho Department of Insurance and part of the nationwide State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP).

SHIBA trains and supports a network of certified Medicare counselors who provide free, unbiased, confidential assistance to anyone enrolling in or currently enrolled in Medicare. In Teton Valley, we have two certified counselors who are available for individual appointments or at open forums sponsored by Seniors West of the Tetons.

These counselors can help you:

  • Choose the best time to enroll in Medicare
  • Explore your coverage and benefits options
  • Compare options for supplemental insurance (Medigap) and Part D prescription drug coverage
  • Look for coverage for services that Medicare does not cover, like dental, vision, and long-term care
  • Get help with paying Medicare costs
  • File appeals
  • Protect yourself against fraud and high-pressure sales tactics

For more information on what SHIBA offers and how to enroll in and make the best use of Medicare, consult the Idaho Shopper’s Guide to Medicare 2024.

If you are interested in setting up an appointment with one of the Teton Valley counselors, please call 765-720-7779. You can also call the main SHIBA office, 800-247-4422, with your questions. That office maintains an appointment scheduling system. Appointments can be held remotely via phone or in person.

Tai Chi

This is a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner with deep breathing. Wear loose clothing and bring water. Suggested $5 donation. Open to all.

Tai Chi, Wednesdays, 9 a.m., Senior Community Center.

Summer Hours: An additional Tai Chi class is held on Fridays, at 9 a.m., in the Driggs City Park

Teton Arts Knitting Circle

1st and 3rd Fridays, 9:00 AM, in the Senior Community Center Conference Room

Teton Arts’ knitting circle is moving to the Senior Center for the summer. If you’re looking for a relaxing hobby or have unfinished knitting projects tucked into a closet, the Teton Arts Knitting Circle is for you! It’s a very supportive group that will have you turning your botched purls into elegant yarn-overs in no time.

Knitting has a number of health and cognitive benefits, as shown in this study from the Harvard (so it must be true!) Medical School Mind and Body Institute: