Synergy Homecare will give tips on how to adapt our surroundings as
we get older at 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26.

Synergy Homecare will give tips on how to adapt our surroundings as
we get older at 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26.
4th Thursday of the month at Noon. Free and open to All.
Idaho Shiba volunteers will be on hand to answer any Medicare questions.
A quarterly panel discussion with guest professionals on topics addressing aging. See our newsletter Valley Talk for future topics.
Free. Open to all.
2nd Tuesday of each month, Noon.
Check monthly calendar in newsletter Valley Talk on page 5 for date. Free. Open to all.
This program will help you with any technology questions. Phil Mollenkof and Andy Harlan, friends of SWOT, are proficient with various technologies. These guys will help you master technology; just bring your device in question and fire away.
2nd Thursday of each month at 1:30 PM.
Free, open to all.
At a Death Cafe people eat, drink and discuss that often taboo subject: Death. The idea is to create a safe, confidential and respectful environment to talk about dying.
Death Cafe is NOT a bereavement or support group, or an opportunity to sell services. Rather, it is a directed but open discussion whose objective is “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.”
Recent research suggests that thinking about death raises people’s sense of self-worth, helps them be less money oriented, and makes them funnier. Facing death seems to enhance our sense of humor and encourage us to be more creative and open-minded.
Death Cafe is an international, non-profit organization founded by Jon Underwood in Britain. He based the forum on the ideas of the Swiss sociologist Bernard Crettaz, who had founded a similar forum called Cafe Mortels. Lizzy Miles was the first person to offer Death Cafe in the United States in Columbus, Ohio. (See for more information about the program
The whole Teton Valley community is invited. However, please call us to discuss if you want to bring a child along to participate in the conversation.
One Wednesday a month at 11AM. Check calendar in the newsletter Valley Talk for the date and topic. Free. Open to all.
Teton Valley Health provides a monthly update of news and information. Come hear about the health services in our community and ask questions to learn more about the care available.