Enjoy the benefits of yoga by joining Connie Tyler in a gentle Hatha-based yoga practice. This practice is designed to increase flexibility while building strength and using your breath efficiently. Participants can expect to:
- Increase flexibility, strength and balance
- Increase self-confidence, mental focus and energy
- Decrease stiffness, pain and fatigue
- Decrease fear of falling, anxiety and self-doubt
Ability. All levels of students are welcome. Instruction can be tailored to each participant’s ability. The gentle style, however, doesn’t mean easy. Props are available to assist the various stages of ability of those in the class.
When. Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. beginning June 15, 2021
What to bring. Water. Equipment such as mats, blocks, blankets, straps and bolsters is provided.
Instructor: Connie Tyler

I have been a student of yoga for over 3 decades — taking classes, workshops, and seminars with some of the most learned teachers of the last and current century; receiving my yoga teaching certification (CYT) in Hatha yoga in 2005; and teaching yoga privately and at studios in Salt Lake City, Jackson, Driggs, Victor and Kauai. I maintain my status as an E-200-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance through continuing training in Chair Yoga, Gentle Senior Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Philosophy and specific therapies.
While living on Kauai, I studied the science of Ayurveda under the direction of Dr. Thomas R. Yarema, MD, LAC and Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, BAMS, MD (Ayurveda) at the Aloha Ayurveda Academy of Kauai (now Kerala Ayurveda Academy), receiving my Diploma of Ayurveda Sciences in 2007. My studies also included learning Transcendental Meditation and Ayurveda cooking with Ayurvedic chef Johnny Brannigan. I credit my recovery from a near-fatal disease to my Ayurvedic lifestyle.
As Vice President of Marketing for Hugger Mugger Yoga located in Salt Lake City, Utah I developed yoga products and an understanding of yoga-specific businesses and services.
My approach to teaching yoga incorporates this education and life experience to bring a greater understanding, gratitude and love to the body that does so much for us daily.
While Hatha yoga implies rigorous discipline, the physical asana is not a means to an end but rather a journey toward self realization and sense awareness. My teaching is a combination of traditional Western yoga which focuses primarily on the body and Eastern yoga which emphasizes devotion, purification, and meditation. I look forward to leading you to your next level.
Attire: Comfortable clothing; bare feet recommended.
Suggested donation $5