Supporting Seniors West of the Tetons with a monthly donation is a simple, sustaining and convenient way to support the Senior Center and its ongoing needs.
Once the donation is set up, using the form below, donations are automatically processed at the same time each month. You can use either your credit card or PayPal account. Each time a donation is made, you’ll receive an email receipt, which will have updates on projects, services and activities your donation is supporting. At the end of the year, you’ll get a summary statement that you can use for your taxes.
The form below is in two sections: the information form and then, after it’s submitted, the payment form, where you enter your credit card or PayPal account information. If you need help with the payment form, feel free to contact the system administrator, Ken Kirkpatrick ( or 765-720-7779). If, at any time, you need to adjust the schedule, payment information, amount, or stop date for your donations, just contact Ken for assistance.
And thanks, once again, for becoming a monthly supporter.